NOW Trust & Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

Niue Ocean Wide Trust representatives and project team help to ensure Ocean priorities and commitments are well represented in Niue’s updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).   Niue’s updated NDC has expanded to include 5 new sectors or issues – Oceans, waste management, invasive species, loss and damage and Gender.  Amongst the key sectors and priorities, Niue’s NDCs in the Ocean space draw heavily on the achievements, commitments and objectives of the Niue Ocean Wide initiative and NOW Trust.  These include developing a climate resilient and sustainable blue economy; conserving a large part of Niue’s ocean real-estate (40% of our EEZ as Niue Moana Mahu) and protecting 100% of its EEZ; preserving traditional knowledge and practice associated with the ocean and its resources; strengthening food systems and security in the blue sector and leveraging the necessary finance to support this in perpetuity through its Sustainable Financing Mechanism – NOW Trust and Ocean Conservation commitments (OCCs).